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Oblivion ESRB rating revoked
Thu, 04 May 2006 17:42:24 +0000
by Wester |
Yes, it's true, the decent folks at Bethesda Softworks have changed TES4: Oblivion's ESRB rating from Teen to Mature due to not evaluating the level of the content of the game as thoroughly as they could have. Here's the press annoucement:
Bethesda Softworks Response to the ESRB Rating Change for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
May 3, 2006 (Rockville, MD) - The ESRB has revoked their Teen rating for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for the PC and the Xbox 360 and has assigned the game a new rating of Mature. The ESRB reports that this is due to content in the game that was not fully disclosed when rating the game initially. Bethesda, not its co-publisher, developed the game, handled the ratings application before the ESRB, and stands behind it.
Bethesda will promptly implement the ratings change that the ESRB has ordered for Oblivion. We will not contest the ESRB’s decision to re-rate the game as Mature, nor will we change the game’s content to keep a Teen rating. We believe that this critically acclaimed game is not typical of Mature rated titles, and does not present the central themes of violence that are common to those products.
Bethesda will work with its co-publisher to place new “M” rating stickers on Oblivion packaging now at retail and in warehouses, and will reflect the change in rating on newly manufactured product. No product recall is being directed.
In light of the public comments that are being made about this matter, and to respond to questions we are being asked, we are releasing this statement to be on record about the circumstances giving rise to Oblivion’s change in rating.
Bethesda Softworks made what it believes was a full, accurate, and comprehensive submission on Oblivion to the ESRB months before the game’s release. Bethesda used the ESRB’s application forms and believes it adhered closely to their requirements. Nothing was hidden from the ratings agency. No effort was made by Bethesda to lobby or influence the agency for any particular rating.
The ESRB has concluded that the game deserves a rating of Mature because: 1) partial nudity in the PC version of the game can be created by modders; and 2) the game contains excessive blood and gore that go beyond a Teen rating. The facts are as follows:
There is no nudity in Oblivion without a third party modification. In the PC version of the game only - this doesn’t apply to the Xbox 360 version - some modders have used a third party tool to hack into and modify an art archive file to make it possible to create a mesh for a partially nude (topless) female that they add into the game. Bethesda didn’t create a game with nudity and does not intend that nudity appear in Oblivion. There is no nude female character in a section of the game that can be "unlocked." Bethesda can not control tampering with Oblivion by third parties. Bethesda is taking steps to ensure that modders can not continue to hack into Oblivion’s art archives to create partially nude figures.
With regard to violence, Bethesda advised the ESRB during the ratings process that violence and blood effects were "frequent" in the game - checking the box on the form that is the maximum warning. We further advised that the game contained occasional torture, vulgar acts, and gore. We gave accurate answers and descriptions about the type and frequency of violence that appears in the game. We submitted a 60-page document listing the explicit language, acts, and scenes in the game. Oblivion packaging already contains warnings for "Violence" and "Blood and Gore."
We value the role of the ESRB and believe the rating agency plays a valuable role in regulating our industry. As always, we will continue work in good faith to comply fully with the ESRB’s standards and policies.
We remain enormously proud of Oblivion and the standard of excellence in game development it represents. Oblivion is one of the highest rated games of all time and one of the most popular games available on the Xbox 360 and the PC. We greatly appreciate the understanding and support of our fans. |
Permalink. |
by Savage Saint @ Thu, 04 May 2006 22:23:19 +0000 |
WHOA, never heard of this happening.....just rate it once and be done with it, but now i can say i boutght it when it was rateted TEEN, not Mature, whoo whoo, i ahve a different box form theones in retail stores now o_O |
by Evelyn @ Fri, 05 May 2006 01:21:27 +0000 |
Yeah, We now have an origional game as released by Bethesda!! :) Before having to alter it for a few witch hunting prudes. I love the game. Only people who care about ratings are those who are looking at the wrong things. Oblivion is just plain ART. Its wonderful!!!! |
by Philip Matthews @ Fri, 05 May 2006 11:06:42 +0000 |
Valid point about nudity. The whole blood and guts Oblivion world thing is morbid and ultimately tedious. It's strange no one complains about the (compulsory) vampire quest. I disliked it intensely. It is dangerously demonic. The solution is to add Cure Vampire (000977E4) and get on with the game. Oblivion is beautiful, but it is also the work of aging programmers; the morbidity simply indicates a failure of creativity. I have completed Oblivion: I know now that Morrowind is a far greater game. |
by Savage Saint @ Fri, 05 May 2006 15:15:45 +0000 |
um......... i haven't done vampy cure quest yet, i've been slightly dissapointed on teh AI part of teh game, really funny gliches here and there :D |
by Vlad @ Fri, 05 May 2006 16:50:14 +0000 |
from the article: "Bethesda is taking steps to ensure that modders can not continue to hack into Oblivion’s art archives to create partially nude figures." wtf? screw ESRB. morrowind and oblivion were designed to allow modding. It's either all or none. If this type of activity progresses, will we soon see only partially-mod-able elder scrolls games? Don't try to restrict us in our modding because of ESRB's problems! If you read the slashdot article, a lot of posts are tying in the U.S. government with ESRB rating and the problems we are having today with censorship. read on: http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/05/04/1242234 |
by Vlad @ Fri, 05 May 2006 16:56:23 +0000 |
@Philip Mathews I don't think you are correct. morrowind and oblivion have demonic, morbid and evil parts to them. I assume that the other elder scrolls games did too. The only difference in oblivion is that it is even MORE realistic (graphically and script-wise) and that vampirism is tied into the main plot more so than in morrowind. (It was in the morrowind plot in one of the tribe quests, but becoming a vampire was harder to do. I remember sitting there with the vampire wailing at me without getting any so-called disease...) If you don't like those sort of things, which is reasonable, than feel free to do the Cure Vampirism cheat (as you have already done). For all of us who like that sort of stuff, I think they did an excellent job. In the end, it's all subjective. |
by Abuser @ Fri, 05 May 2006 18:11:33 +0000 |
@Philip Mathews as well What are you doing playing a fantasy game if themes that are either morbid/supernatural/demonic (djeezes) upset you. These are quite common themes in any RPG/fantasy game. How you can view that as a lack in creativity is beyond me; it comes with the genre. |
by Steve @ Sat, 06 May 2006 09:11:21 +0000 |
I was slightly surprised, to hear a grumpy Orc Bookseller say, "Buy a G*ddamn book!" I'm SURE, that THAT's why, they changed the rating, (which they should.) But pushing to close off creativity? Um, I don't think so. |
by OBLIVION05 @ Sat, 06 May 2006 15:16:12 +0000 |
I'm not suprised at all.If u did the dark brotherhood quest u would know... I like games that feel like ur in a bloody demonic sort of world.... Like if u played thief deadly shadows(my favorate game because it was mysterious and grim) |
by Robert P, @ Mon, 08 May 2006 05:35:22 +0000 |
This is the first game that I have played that I enjoyed more that the Gothic series of games. This game is simply put, a masterpiece. It is a shame they were forced to change the rating as the people who worked on this game deserve to see it become an all time best seller and the ratings change may hurt that chance. This game gives me hope that there is still some very talented people in the business/art of creating computer games. This game gives you more for your entertainment dollar than anything, I repeat anything, you could spend that money on. One more thing to those people who seem to feel that some of the themes in the game are to demonic, etc, etc. ITS A GAME PEOPLE! No one is forcing you to play it or buy it. If it disturbs you that much maybe you should stick to children's games. |
by Cerberius @ Mon, 08 May 2006 06:25:11 +0000 |
All graphics artists usually make a somewhat nude model to start with. They then add overlays to it. If it was the nudity that bothers them, why didn't Agent Under Fire for GCN get an M? The bit of nudity in there is about as graphic as the Oblivion models. What I think they may be having a fuss about is the realism of the game. More of the fear of "Lol I kild dat guy in game. I gunna buy sword an kill peoples in real lifes." @Phillip If you don't want to go through demonic stuff, why'd you become a vampire in the first place? You don't have to become one at any point in the game. Get infected, then head to the chapel instead of messing around 3 days till you become one. You wouldn't be a vampire unless you were purposely trying to be one. |
by Shrapnel @ Mon, 08 May 2006 06:27:22 +0000 |
well shrapnel is back, let me just tell you that no matter what this game will sell, and i am sitting here on my couch talking and typing. why? because i aint got none no i love football, wait till i get me a woman and slap her face around with a brick |
by pete zimmerman @ Thu, 11 May 2006 09:21:56 +0000 |
how is it "demonic" the game I mean. evil and twisted in places..spooky..slightly occult (necomancy) but demonic? dictionary uses the word fiendish to describe demonic am I missing something? |
by lurps @ Thu, 11 May 2006 12:58:52 +0000 |
All Hail to Oblivion |
by Shidden @ Fri, 12 May 2006 15:47:06 +0000 |
I hate Zimmerman |
by Shidden @ Fri, 12 May 2006 15:48:05 +0000 |
shrapnel Loves Zimmerman, but I hate Him |
by Pi @ Thu, 18 May 2006 00:17:00 +0000 |
I would have to agree with Philip in that certain demonic themes might be unsuitable for a teen rating especially when better graphics means that the scary parts are now any more "pixel blobs". Teens that buy the game will undoubtedly try to prove that they are "mature enough" and this stuff does not affect them; as teens do. I used to do the same thing when I was a teenager. But some stuff can affect all, as those of us who are becoming "mature enough" learn. The comment that "it is just a game" is not convincing. |
by executioner of the stupid @ Wed, 12 Jul 2006 05:25:49 +0000 |
ok as you can see my name is is so the truth so by this being true i say that i will execute philip and his freind pi |
by executioner of the stupid @ Wed, 12 Jul 2006 05:34:56 +0000 |
oblivion is the best for it has everything that you want there is no vain to oblivion or else you are retarted (seriously) it is the best game made ever for you cannot say that it isnt the best game that you have ever played unless you were lying so come on give up admit it or be alone wit ur friend pi any1 else who talks about oblivion that way will get chewes out by me again because i love this game and i have only started playing about 3 days ago so i havent even seen a qaurter of the game and it is awesome and the best game ive ever played so i dont care what any of you people say i know from experience that elder scrolls iv oblivion is the best game yet so philip or anybody else trie to top that off! |