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Oblivion patch update finally released
Wed, 07 Jun 2006 06:54:01 +0000
by Wester |
The long advent of Oblivion's v1.1 patch is finally over. Yes, the new patch update has been released, updating the game build version to v1.1.511 and weighing 1.6MB, and addressing a number of bugs and issues. Here are the release notes:
5. Update 1.1 Notes
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with falling through collision in Fort Wooden Hand.
Fixed issue with remapping controls in French, German, Italian and Spanish versions.
Fixed issue with some shadows not lining up.
Going to jail while equipped with bound armor or weapons no longer crashes the game.
Fixed issue with bound weapons not dispelling properly after dismounting a horse.
Fixed issue with player shadow being delayed after fast travel.
Fixed infinite gold issue on some dead NPCs.
Fixed issue with disease resistences that made it impossible to contract vampirism under certain circumstances.
Fixed an issue where occasionally skills would not increase properly after you received an increase in a way other than skill uses like as a quest reward.
Fixed issue where spells, powers and lesser powers were being improperly resisted when the player cast them on themselves.
Fixed an issue where creatures and NPCs would not go into combat properly after being hit by a projectile.
Fixed an issue with duplicating items and unequiping the bow.
Fixed an exploit that allowed you to sell equipped items to a vendor more than once while on a horse.
Fixed an issue with items reappearing in dead bodies after saving and reloading.
Fixed crash when NPC with active light spell on them unloaded from memory.
New Very Low Quality graphic setting available under Launcher options with improved support for low end FX cards (5700 and lower). To use this setting, go to the Launcher, select Options and click Reset to Defaults to allow the auto detect to check your system.
Implemented SLI-mode optimizations on Nvidia cards, and Crossfire optimizations for ATI cards.
Fixed a crash issue where loading a save would crash if the player had extra data on them.
Fixed an issue for LOD art for city was not unloading quickly enough when exiting an interior.
Fixed an issue where Aylied doors would not open when activated in Miscarcand.
Quest Fixes
If you are permanently expelled from Mages Guild, you can now go back into the Mages Guild buildings.
In The Siren's Deception, the door to Gweden farmhouse is prevented from locking too soon if player exits too quickly.
In the Light the Dragonfires quest, player controls are prevented from being locked if player accidentally hits Ocato during the final battle in the Imperial Palace.
In the Confront the King quest, fixed an issue where Mannimarco would occasionally stop fighting the player while the player's controls are locked.
In Corruption and Conscience, fixed an issue if player got to Llevana's house earlier than expected and she would initiate trespass behavior rather than move the quest forward.
In Theranis' Mistake, it is no longer possible to get multiple copies of Ahdarji's ring. Also, fixed an issue with player receiving Blood Price topic too early in the quest.
In the Leyawiin Recommendation quest, it is no longer possible to bypass Kalthar in Fort Blueblood.
In Revenge Served Cold, Corrick will now recognize when player had the jade amulet in their inventory if No Stone Unturned quest had been previously completed.
In Infiltration, player can no longer kill Blackwood Company members and stop progress in Fighter's Guild.
In Dark Brotherhood, if you kill fellow members and get kicked out of the guild, you can no longer continue to progress in the questline until you redeem yourself and get back in.
In The Master's Son, the player now properly receives their reward when completing the quest.
In Caught in the Hunt, fixed an issue where NPCs would not go into combat properly.
In the Cheydinhal Recommendation quest, fixed an issue where Vidkun's body would disappear if you left the well.
Getting disqualified from the first Arena match no longer blocks you from further matches.
In Till Death Do They Part, the Count no longer rewards player with gold more than once. Fixed an issue with not receiving the Vampire Ashes topic if the player picked up vampire ashes before getting the quest. Fixed issue where Bloodgrass topic was not added if player finished the Main Quest before starting quest. Hal-Liurz will now follow player properly when asked about the cure.
In Mystery and Harlun's Watch, the dead body you are supposed to find will no longer disappear from Swampy Cave if you cleared out the dungeon before starting the quest.
In Blood of the Daedra, Martin will now recognize Spellbreaker as a Daedric artifact.
In When the Vow Breaks, additional instance of Rockshatter are now prevented from appearing on Bjalfi's dead corpse after saving and reloading.
In Paranoia, game no longer crashes when Bernadette Peneles exits the city while you are following her.
For Clavicus Vile quest, fixed crash with giving or refusing to give Umbra to Clavicus Vile.
Plugin Fixes
Fixed issue with saving your game while an actor is in a new interior cell created in a plugin, and re-loading the save game without the plugin.
Fixed issue with loading previous saves with plugin that contains new base objects that are containers, NPCs and creatures.
Fixed issue with linked pathpoints scripted to switch on/off that are modified by a plugin.
NPC's companions no longer disappear when they fast travel with player to an exterior cell that is modified by a plugin.
New scripted spell effects created in a plugin now work properly.
Permalink. |
by wariel septim @ Wed, 07 Jun 2006 19:10:17 +0000 |
NUMBER ONE!! whoop whoop. anyway, these patches suck. where's the "swirly skooma effects patch"? |
by shidden @ Thu, 08 Jun 2006 02:04:07 +0000 |
comp only? |
by para @ Thu, 08 Jun 2006 08:12:13 +0000 |
god I hate people that bitch about patches. |
by some random nut @ Fri, 09 Jun 2006 04:52:21 +0000 |
yeah this patch is great, it's for xbox 360 as well, should auto update, shidden. i have one complaint though... lol it only fixed the two gates in miscarcand, none of the following or any gates in other aylid ruins, sadly, that means my lvl57 warrior who is practically perfect can't finish the main quest, the fighters guild, or the thieves guild -_-; damnit... oh well, guess i'll have to make another character haha |
by this_is_not_enough_golds @ Thu, 22 Jun 2006 01:16:50 +0000 |
"Fixed an exploit that allowed you to sell equipped items to a vendor more than once while on a horse." Shouldn't exploits like this be left alone on non-multiplayer games? Unless of course it destablilized the game and would lead to a crash. |
by SaintSinner @ Wed, 28 Jun 2006 17:24:59 +0000 |
I agree.. in a SP only game, wasting time to fix a cheat/exploit when other things need to be fixed (see some random nut @ Fri, 09 Jun 2006 04:52:21) is just freakin' stupid, controlling, and assinine. I never used to dupes, but my daughter liked to play around with them, making massive amounts of various fruits, and then shooting them around with a bow. She's 9, and easily amused. :D I showed her a video of someone duping a ton of watermelon on top of a house, causing "Watermelon Rain"... she's been doing that with all kinds of stuff now. Sadly, I need to apply the patch to fix some of the bugs for me, which is gonna kill her fun... so I've been holding off for now. Way to go, Bethesda... did you forget you DIDN'T make a MMO or MP game? Asses. |
by A Person ok @ Fri, 07 Jul 2006 02:12:25 +0000 |
I have trouble... Everytime i download the patch, and start the patch, it freezes, or dosnt even start, can u email me or comment this back, cause i have a real trouble with it |
by F-16 Falcon @ Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:58:34 +0000 |
Folks i need some help here in Oblivion :'( i want to join the Thieves Guild but i go to the garden of dareloth and wait for Armand Christophe to arrive and i talk to him about the thieves guild and he tells me to wait for the Wood Elf and the argonian to begin, i wait and wait and they never arrive and armand and Methredhel go away and its always doing this :'( and i think i got another Bug with the Daedric Shrine Hermaeus Mora. Ater he gaven me the spell Mora´s soul trap to use it one all the races. ive used it to times on diferente races at a same time and now i cant go on with using it because i use it on the other races and nothing happens :'( the only soul i cought was the soul of a Bosmer. is there any patch than can fixe these 2 quest Bugs? people please let me know anything that can help me through these 2 Quests Thx mates ;) |
by 007 @ Wed, 26 Jul 2006 15:58:44 +0000 |
Where can I find the new Patch? Can I buy it online? |
by Emordnilap @ Mon, 14 Aug 2006 02:56:46 +0000 |
I've downloaded the patch for xbox360, however the Vidkun's body is still not in the well preventing me from completing the Cheydinhal Recommendation. Is there another patch coming out? I'm pretty far in the game and I really don't feel like starting over. |
by Mister. T @ Sat, 26 Aug 2006 20:08:30 +0000 |
How u download it for xbox 360? that thing with vampire cure quest really annoys me, last save before that i like 20 hours before when i was lvl 40, now im lvl 46 and either its being vampire for the rest of my frikkin days or fixing that bug with bloodgrass somehow |
by Confused @ Sun, 27 Aug 2006 12:21:23 +0000 |
Thank god I am not the only one with the mages well problem. I have been in there hundreds of times and no bloody body...any tips. |