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Oblivion interview with Gavin Carter
Tue, 20 Dec 2005 21:51:50 +0000
by Khajiit |
The official Xbox Site has had the chance to have an interview with Gavin Carter, executive producer at Bethesda Softworks. In the interview they discuss one of Oblivion's most innovative features, the Radiant AI.
Here's a rather large taste of it:
Xbox.com: Here's a silly question: Why is it called Radiant A.I.? What does that mean?
Gavin Carter: The "Radiant" part of the title refers to the way a character's awareness isn't strictly limited to a few hard-scripted objects or activities. It radiates out into the surrounding environment and beyond. They can choose to interact with anything they come into contact with based on parameters we set up when we create them. This includes having conversations with one another, sitting down and reading books, buying food and supplies from shops, farming, exploring, engaging in combat with creatures or one another, and a wide range of other activities.
Xbox.com: We've heard a lot about the Radiant A.I. system your team has been working on, that each of Oblivion's 1,000 NPCs is controlled by its own agenda, schedule, and motivation. Why go this route? How will it impact the gamer's experience?
Gavin Carter: The lack of interesting A.I. for NPCs was probably the top complaint people had with Morrowind, so we took that to task from the very first days of Oblivion's development. The intent was to develop a system that could give NPCs a wide variety of interesting behaviors, as well as be extensible enough to apply quickly and easily to all 1500+ people who inhabit our game world. The impact on the gamer should greatly alleviate the feeling of a static world like Morrowind. |
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New Dev Diary Released
Thu, 15 Dec 2005 20:46:46 +0000
by Pantalaimon |
Bethesda has just today released a new developer diary in another installment of their newsletter. This time we get to hear from Brendan Anthony about how work on Oblivion is progressing. Here's a short exerpt:
In my humble opinion, magic is one area in which The Elder Scrolls has always excelled. The multiple schools, the vast selection of magic effects, and especially the ability to combine them together to create unique spells all add up to a very satisfying freeform gaming experience. With that in mind, one of the first things that you will notice about magic in Oblivion is that it is relatively similar to what we’ve seen in previous TES games.
You can read the full article over at Bethesda's Elder Scrolls site. |
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Oblivion interview with Pete Hines
Fri, 09 Dec 2005 15:22:44 +0000
by Khajiit |
GamerReports had the chance to sit down and conduct a 2-page interview with Pete Hines, vice President of PR and marketing of Bethesda Softworks.
Here's a sample of it:
GamerReports: In the previous Elder Scrolls games, players could literally spends hours and a ton of money creating and upgrading spells and items. In Oblivion is that still true? Are there still certain items and spells that can only be obtained with perseverance and hard work? On the other hand are there still spells and items that will be available to players who do not wish to spend many hours and much money that will be just as useful?
Pete Hines: Yes, you can still spend lots of time doing that sort of thing, but much of it requires you to spend time and effort improving the skills related to that skill, whether it be enchanting, alchemy, armorer, destruction magic, or whatever. As you improve each of your skills you’ll reach different levels of ability that will unlock new things you can do with that skill, such as the ability to repair magic armor and weapons or to create new spells. Or, as you say, you can simply go and buy new spells or items from vendors, or you’ll find scrolls in the world that allow you to cast different spells. And you’ll always be finding new types of armor, weapons, and different items as you explore the world, and these items will level with you so that as your character gets better, so does the loot you find. |
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New update at the official Elder Scrolls site
Thu, 08 Dec 2005 16:49:59 +0000
by Khajiit |
Bethesda has updated their codex section with the skills and birthsigns that we will see in Oblivion. They have also added three "new" screenshots to their art section, you can find them in our screenshot section aswell. |
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Yet another Oblivion preview
Sat, 03 Dec 2005 07:11:49 +0000
by Wester |
Shacknews have flared up their new 2-page preview of TES4: Oblivion. Here's a quick snoop:
"When push comes to shove, combat in Oblivion will force you to put your skills and attributes to the test. Luckily, the battle system is rather easy to use. One button attacks, (melee) a second blocks, and a third is used to cast magic spells. Casting does not require you to equip or un-equip items; you just click the cast button with whatever weapon (or lack thereof, in some cases) you have. The system allows you to choose when to attack and when to block, effectively using your character's skills to aid in determine the outcome. The skills you use will figure into how much damage is inflicted upon a successful hit, how much damage is done to you, any additional effects that come with the attack itself, (e.g., paralyze, disarm, et cetera) and more. The system is very "fluid and natural," says Hines, allowing "combat to be fun while still remaining an RPG where your character's skills and abilities ultimately determine your success or failure." Success or failure, by the way, will be determined in over two hundred unique dungeons, so you won't have too much difficulty find a price to have a good ol' fashioned brouhaha." |
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