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TES4: Oblivion Walkthrough - Dark Brotherhood

Last updated 11th May 2006. Written by Mccluret, EagleEyes89, Dark Brotherhood Assassin, Nesetril, Vandredi, CplTJ, Balmung.

Joining the Dark Brotherhood

Basically, the Dark Brotherhood is a type of guild which exceeds in the killing of others, and just from talking about rumours with the other NPC's, you can tell that the method of recruitment is confronting a person who has murdered someone. Therefore, the key to joining The DB (Dark Brotherhood) is to flat out murder someone, then go to sleep. When you wake up, you will be approached by a hooded figure and will then be given instructions on how to join.

They give out some great armor, and weapons as bonuses for some of the quests. At some point in one of the later quests before you become a Silencer, you get to kill all of the members in the local group. Basically, you get to kill them and collect all of their loot without any penalities. The quest involves killing 5-6 DB members to eliminate a possible spy.

A Knife In the Dark

The hooded figure will first tell you to go to the Inn of Ill Omen to kill a man named "Rufio." Chances are you haven't found this place yet which means you will have to walk there. It's on the road between Bravil and the Imperial City. Once there, talk to the inn-keeper. He'll tell you that Rufio lives downstairs in the "Private Quarters." Look behind and to the left of you for a trap door in the floor. Walk all the way down the hallway to the last door on your left. A good time to go in would be when he is sleeping (I went around midnight), and kill him in his sleep. After this, rent a room and sleep in the inn. (Or you could just sleep in his room if you don't want to spend money for a room -- I actually slept in his bed, next to his cold, dead body.) The hooded figure will once again awake you and tell you to go to Cheydinhal to an abandoned house on the east side of town (your quest indicator will guide you there). Make sure you have some lockpicks, because you will need to pick an "easy" level lock to gain access.

The Sanctuary

Upon entering the abandoned house, go to your right to the door to the basement. Once there head through the stone passageway to the black door with the skull and other various drawings. When you try to open the door, a mysterious voice will say "What is the color of night?" Reply, "Sanguine, my brother," and the door will be opened to you. You will then need to speak with Ocheeva, who will welcome you with a new suit of enchanted armor. She will guide you to Vicente for assignments.

Welcome to the Family

Just get a contract from Vicente Valtieri

A Watery Grave

The first task you are given involves making a pirate captain "disappear." Your told he is in the waterfront district and that asking your fellow brothers about the contract can give you helpful tips. Do so, and find out as much as you can before you leave, and you'll discover that they are skilled with blades, but dont like armour. You will also discover that it might be possible to sneak aboard in a crate.

A nice thing to do here is to buy the hands of midnight off of the khajit if u dont have a chameleon or invisiblity spell/potion, if you have the cash that is.

Head to the waterfront and to the ship that is indicated on your compass, if your using the gloves, make sure its night time and throw em on, otherwise, simply put on your spell and walk onto the ship and into the door on the deck. Or you can make your way to the open crate at the end of the pier and you will get a quest update about hiding in the crate. Make your way up through the ship. At one point you will overhear 2 sailors talking. There will be a door to a room in front of you as you walk down the hallway. Go into the room and close the door. Wait till they finish talking. One will go to sleep and the other will walk past you to the other end of the ship. Sneak out and climb the ladder to the next level.

If your in sneak the whole time, you can walk right by him, he'll see you but wont care, and wont get up. Go around him, and take a power sneak attack at him, he should go down. Quickly search his body and take the key, then leave out the back door, NOT THE ONE YOU CAME IN! If you wait too long, his crew will bang on the door asking if he's alright since they heard a commotion, and then come in and hammer you. Once your outside the ship, simply fast travel back to Cheydinhal and your done.

Blood of the Damned

Just get a contract from Vicente Valtieri

Accidents Happen

Loosen Fastenings on mounted head to make it fall on Baenlin.

No Rest for the Wicked

Just get a contract from Vicente Valtieri

Scheduled Execution

Break into the prison and kill Valen Dreth

story note: This is the annoying guy who was taunting you at the very beginning of the game. Felt good to put an arrow into him through his cell bars.

To do this, simply navigate through the sewers, follow the marker on the compass untill it leads you to the Imperial Sanctum. Once insede you will overhear a conversation between two of the guards. After a while they will both walk off. Head straight across the hall into the big room where you faced the last Mythic Dawn assasins. Go all the way round the room into the far right corner, the guard will be in the left by the stairs, Sneaking all the way, jump up onto the platform leading to the stairs, but from the opposite side of the guard and ONLY when his back is turned, continue up through the door.

Stick to the shadows on the right, Eventually a guard will walk straight past you and stop to face a wall. Take your chance and run to where he came from. Keep going and you wil face no more guards. Follow it and you'll reach your jail cell. Wait untill the guard has left and now you have a few options:

1. Use a bow and arrow to kill him (fun then pick up the Imperial Prison Key on the table to the left)

2. Use magic to kill him throught he gates (fun then pick up the Imperial Prison Key on the table to the left)

3. Head left, pick up both keys. now you can slash him to bits ('Emotional' :P!)

Once thats done head right up the stairs using your new key to open up the door to the Prison 'front room' and exit out the front door. Simple! --CplTJ 10:36, 10 Apr 2006 (UTC)

To Serve Sithis

Just get a contract from Vicente Valtieri

The Assasinated Man

Fake the death of Motierre

note you will need to open a hard lock to get into Motierre's house/castle.

When you enter Motierre's house talk to him and he will instruct you to hide until the enforcer arrives. Just hide in the shadows. The enforcer will arrive and talk to Motierre. You can pop out whenever, but make sure the enforcer doesn't kill him. The "acting" is hilarious here.

Hit him once with the poisoned blade that Vicente gave you and he will go down. The enforcer will attack you... don't kill him, just run out of town. As soon as you get the quest update you can go back in.

Wait for (x hours) and then go to the chapel and find Motierre's body downstairs. Use the antidote and he will awaken and say something about his ancestors being pissed... i.e. you are about to be attacked by a number of zombies. They aren't very hard, but make sure Motierre doesn't die.

Once you get outside, talk to Motierre. Return to Cheydinhall.

My Brother's Keeper

Vicente tells you to get new contracts from Ocheeva. Get a contract from Ocheva.

The Dark Gift

Vicente offers to turn you into a Vampire, not needed, but can be accepted anytime.

The Lonely Wanderer

Kill the high Elf Faelian. There must be no witnesses. He hangs out at the Tiber Septim Hotel in the Imperial city. You can either charm the hell out of his girlfriend to get her to tell you the whole story or you can talk to Faenlin directly. If you give him skooma, he will invite you to an abandoned house himself.

Enter the Eliminator

Get a contract from Ocheva.

Bad Medicine

Sneak into Fort Sutch and replace Roderick's medicine with poison

The Night Mother's Child

Get a contract from Ocheva.


Reminds me of "Saw"!

Basically you have to go to Summitmist Manor in Skingrad, which is on the North-North-East side of town (followo your quest indicator). People are gathered there to play a game in which they are seeking a treasure, all of which is being conducted by the "unknown host." This host has actually contacted the Dark Brotherhood to get all of these people killed, which is where you come in. In order to get your bonus, you must kill the guests, one by one, secretly and separately from the rest. Start the mission by speaking with the doorman.

The Doorman

Upon speaking with the doorman, he will fill you in with some details:

  • He's in the Dark Brotherhood
  • He lets you have the key to the manor
  • He hates the people inside

After speaking with him, save the game in case you screw up your bonus, and enter the house...

The Game Begins...

When you enter the house, you'll be greeted by Matilde, who will introduce herself and the others. Just for kicks, reply with the "I'm an assassan" answer, but don't worry, you're cover won't be blown. She'll think your joking. Ask her the remaining possible questions, as she will tell you details about the others.

Everyone will be walking around, so you might as well talk to each one of them, or if you're in a hurry, go ahead with the slaughter, just remember, you have to kill them secretly. When I did it, I went straight upstairs, where the Dak Elf and the Redguard were in two different rooms. Two down.

Next I headed back downstairs, where the granny and the Naughty were on the upper level, while the stuck up guy was on the ground himself...

After you've knocked him out, talk to the nord and he'll tell you that he is going downstairs to get a drink. Follow him to his doom...

Go back upstairs to find the granny by herself. You almost feel guilty!

P.S. - Feel free to rob the bodies, as they won't be needing their belongings anymore.

Now report back to the Sanctuary to recieve your payment and that sweet bonus - the Blessing of the Night Mother and a bunch of PERMANENT SKILL UPGRADES! Oh yeah, and you get promoted!

The Assassin's Gambit

Get a contract from Ocheva.

Permanent Retirement

Your mission is to track down Adamus Phillida, who recently retired, and kill him. He resides in Leywiin at the City Watch barracks. Then you have to remove his finger and plant it in the desk of his successor, who lives at the Prison Barracks in the IC (Imperial City). You are given a special arrow that will instantly kill him, but will only work when he doesn't have his armor on, so you must spy on him to find his schedule so that you discover the right oppourtunity. However, you do not have to kill him with the arrow, anything will do.

One option is to follow him around for a while until he eventually goes into the pond to swim. Hide behind a building and shoot him. After the guards run past go and recover the finger and whatever else he has on him (make sure you get all the keys!).

Next you must travel to the IC Prison.

The Imperial Prison

Once you arrive at the prison follow your quest marker to the Imperial Office door. About 1 in the morning is a good time to break in. You'll be able to use one of the keys you took off of Phillida to unlock the door to the inside. Once inside walk a couple of feet to the desk, manually drop in the finger, and report back to Ocheeva for your reward and bonus!

The Renegade Shadowscale

Go to Cyrodiil find a swamp called Bogwater and kill the renegade shadowscale Scar-Tail.

Of Secret and Shadow

When you have completed all of contracts for Vincente Valtier. Then you move on to Ocheeva, after her missions are done, go back and talk to her. She will give you a note it is from Lucien Lachance (you know the guy who asked you if you wanted to be in the Dark Brotherhood). Well anyways as you read the note you will see that he has asked you to meet him at Fort Farragut. It will also say to watch out for his minions, but you dont have to worry about them with this cool little tip. Of coarse I didn't find out about until I had already killed all his skeleton bodyguards. If you face the door to Fort Farragut turn around like 180 degrees, you should see a large opening in the wall, walk through it, the first tree on your left (it's pretty big) walk over to it, there is a hole in it and inside the hole is a trap door go down it and you will be in Lucien Lachance room and he will be right there. Hope it works out for ya.

The Purification

Kill all members of the dark Brotherhood.

The Dead Drop

According to Lucien Lachance, you will now recieve your contracts, as well as any rewards you may be owed, by visiting secret dead drop locations scattered around Cyrodiil. Your next contract can be found in a hidden hollow inside the moss-covered rock on the top of Hero Hill, which is to the southeast of Fort Farragut.

Affairs of a Wizard

You must go to Leafrot Cave and kill a Necromancer who has begun the process of transforming himself into a lich. This Necromancer Celedaen has not yet completed the metamorphosis but is still powerful. Search the cave for his weakness in his writtings. Pickpocket him and inside his inventory is a hour glass called Sands of Resolve take it. He will become very vaunerable.

Next of Kin

For this contract you must kill the entire Draconis family. The only family matron Perennia Draconis is on a farm in Applewatch. If you say the right thing to her she will think that you are there to get her kids gifts, she will give you a list of where they are and 100 gold. It gives a suggestion on what order to kill them, I found it easy to do it in that order. Obviously you should kill them in the most contained place as possible. One good tip is when you get to Druken Dragon Inn and you have to kill Andreas Draconis. First don't worry about the guard, all you have to do is go and talk to Andreas and say "Your mother bled like a pig." (thats only if you killed the mother first). Once you say that he will attack you and not only can you kill him without getting in trouble the guard will actually fight him with or for you.

Broken Vows

Ok you have to go to Bruma. Right down the street from Olav 's Tap and Tack is the one you have to kill. Your target is a Khajiit named J'Ghasta a master in hand-to-hand combat. He is relatively difficult. Once you go in J'Ghasta's house go downstairs and underneath the stairs is a trap door under some folded cloth. The trap door leads to a seret training room, where J'Ghasta is. If by chance you need to, you may go out onto the streets and the guards will not stop you J'Ghasta paid them to "look the other way", because J'Ghasta is expecting trouble.

Final Justice

You are ordered to kill an Argonian hunter named Shaleez, who is holed up in the Flooded Mine. She is a wanted pshychpath, so be cautious.

A Matter of Honor

Alval Uvani is a Dark Elf merchant who travels all around Cyrodiil. Inside your last pick up you should have received the schedule along with you current orders and pay from last contract. Uvani is a master of Desruction school of magicka. Due to a rare allergy to honey if you offer him some mead it will rendered him immobile, it is his weakness.

The Coldest Sleep

A Nord named Havilstein Hoar-Blood who is skilled with and axe. He is in a small campsite on Gnoll Mountain. Beware that he has a dog Redmaw who damages your health pretty bad. I went up once on my horse and Havilstein drew out his axe and started fighting me, however, I did it again without my horse and he fist fought me. So it is your choice on how you want him to attack you. Either way Redmaw helps.

A Kiss Before Dying

In Bravil at the statue of the Lucky Old Lady around 6:00 pm and 1:00 am there will be a Wood Elf by the name of Ungolim thats who you have to kill. Don't worry about it being in the middle of the street he paid off the guards to let the fight happen. Be careful not only is he expecting someone, he has a sense for assassins' pressence. What I did was when he started shooting arrows at me I stepped behind a guard, he shot the guard and the guard attacked him and killed him for me. It was pretty easy, no work needed. Here is the clincher after you kill him, you are confronted by Lucien Lachance, he tells you that you have been killing off memebers of the Black Hand, he then realizes you have no idea. And tells you that there is a traitor who has been going around switching the dead drop orders. Fort Farragut is no longer safe and he tells you to go to Applewatch the place where you killed the Old Draconis Lady. You must go to your next dead drop location and wait to see who switches the orders. Good Luck!

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