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IGN interview with Todd Howard
Tue, 23 Nov 2004 21:05:20 +0000

by Simo66
IGN has released their own interview with Oblivion lead producer Todd Howard. You can check out their interview or read the highlights right here.

In Oblivion whether or not you will be able to join a faction will be determined by your "fame" and your "infamy". This comes in addition to NPC's base preception of you. For example the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild will contact you after your infamy reaches a certain level through evil deeds etc.

It sounds like combat will certainly be quite entertaining, but why listen to me when you can hear Todd Howard himself describe it.

As you level-up you unlock special moves that do more damage, can disarm your opponent, add more knockback to your strikes, and more. Whether you actually hit with this move is entirely action-based. You have to swing the sword and make contact. Your stats then determine how much damage is done. So your strength and weapon skill together do that, and then it gets modified by your opponent's armor skills and the actual armor you hit.

Blocking is also under your control, but its effectiveness is driven by skills. We also want to keep the fight moving. Any time it works for you to be successful by just standing there and clicking, we changed it up. We want you to move, look for openings, and use the most effective attack. The last thing we did with it was purely visual. We want it to really feel like guys bashing swords into each other. So how they react when hit, stumbling backwards, with great sound effects for the weapons and armor and blood flying realistically in and onto the right surfaces. So even though we have this really deep RPG, we recognized that no matter how many parts the game has -- combat is the number one thing people do a lot of, so we need to make it great.
And last but not least Completion
That's right all the base coding for Oblivion is done! Right now all they are doing is adding in more quests and items. According to Todd Howard
One day we'll say "ok, it's really fun -- ship it.
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