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PC Gamer update
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 16:47:11 +0000
by Paul |
PC Gamer have informed us that there will no longer be a preview of The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion in the holiday issue of the magazine. It will now feature in the January issue, and feature lots more content. |
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Couple of new screenshots
Sun, 07 Nov 2004 14:42:13 +0000
by Paul |

These and more up on the screenshots page. |
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Wed, 03 Nov 2004 18:21:23 +0000
by Paul |
I've written a small mini-preview on Oblivion over on my Xbox 2 website.
"Much improved will also be the AI, now NPCs will have daily lives, they'll perform tasks you'd expect them to perform. A welcome relief from Morrowind where the NPCs effectively stood around all day, now they'll be much more dynamic and will react with whatever surroundings they find themselves in. However with this comes new problems (for the player that is), they'll be able to steal from you, as you can from them. The game will be populated with around one thousand NPCs, a smaller number then Morrowind but still huge, all the dialogue will now be voice acted and they'll be able to have limited conversations with each other, something that will greatly add to the realism of the world." |
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Looking for news poster
Tue, 02 Nov 2004 03:28:12 +0000
by Paul |
I'm currently looking for someone else to post news on the site, and generally help out here and there, as my time is getting more and more limited (joy). No it's not a paying job (things do run at a loss for me) but you will however get an uber cool oblivionportal.com e-mail address get to help out at the best up-and-coming Oblivion site there is and if you want I suppose I could host your blog (if you've got one).
You'll obviously need to post up to date news, this will mean crawling the internet and seeing what on-topic stuff you can find and be able to write in English - that means proper spelling and grammar. If you're interested drop me an e-mail. |
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Gamespot interview
Thu, 28 Oct 2004 23:57:40 +0000
by Paul |
The dudes over at Gamespot have interviewed Oblivion's executive producer Todd Howard, here's a snip:
"All of our Elder Scrolls games follow a similar philosophy: "Live another life, in another world." With each game, we go back and look at how we can make that come alive for the next generation of hardware and gameplay. So the "big-world, do-anything" style remains, and I think that's an essential element to what we do with the series. The player needs a certain size and a large number of choices to really make role-playing feel meaningful. Lessons we learned? I think we learned that taking risks works. We took a lot of risks in changing our game systems to create Morrowind. Also bringing it to the Xbox was a big risk for us. Both of those paid off huge, particularly the Xbox, which is where the majority of our sales came from. I think a lot of publishers really underestimate how much a console player wants out of game, and how much they can handle. They're not stupid, and they love deep games done well. So going into this one, we knew we wanted to reinvent a lot of the game again, take on big technology jumps, and bring the game to as many platforms as possible." They've also got up a couple of new screenshots. |
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More previews
Tue, 26 Oct 2004 02:33:52 +0000
by Paul |
There's a little article (if you can really call it that) up on RPG Codex. There's also a three page preview up on Action Trip, thanks Simon.
"As many of you know, possibly the biggest weakness of the previous Elder Scrolls game was the insane vastness (I regret for using such idiotic phrasing, I really do) and complete open-endedness that made the game much less focused than it should've been [Says you and nobody else -Paul]. Many players would give up on the quests soon after realizing that they'd actually have to travel miles and miles (virtually) in order to get anywhere in game. Consequently they would lose focus, and then that sense of having too much freedom would actually limit their enjoyment of the game. This is something Tod and the rest of the team are definitely looking to change in Oblivion." |
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Couple of new articles
Sat, 23 Oct 2004 20:42:55 +0000
by Paul |
Thanks Simon, RPG Gamer and IGN both have new articles up on Oblivion now. Here's a taste from the IGN one:
"The primary story of Oblivion takes place in Tamriel's capital province, Cyrodiil. There, the Emperor's throne is empty, and with its vacancy the gates to Oblivion (hell, essentially) are open. Demons are spilling through and attacking Cyrodiil's people and towns. You must find a proper heir to the throne in order to close Oblivion and restore order -- while also discovering what sinister plot triggered the chaos in the first place.
Oblivion will use a new AI system which Bethesda is calling Radiant AI. The developer explains that NPCs will now make their own choices based on the world around them. Each will go about its own activities, deciding when and where to eat, whom to talk to, whether to steal, go to church, etc. Bethesda is also adding full speech and facial animation for all NPC dialog." |
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Elderscrolls.com updates
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 17:01:38 +0000
by Paul |
Obviously with the ending of the Game Informer deal, elderscrolls.com has been given a facelift and lots of new tidbits on Oblivion, couple of things to note, Oblivion announcement / overview and Todd Howard's letter to the community, where he covers a wide range of issues and addresses some fears that have popped up of late, yes Oblivion is larger then Morrowind. Which we're all glad to hear. |
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Gamespy preview online
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 16:28:46 +0000
by Paul |
Gamespy have finally posted up their Oblivion preview with lots of new information and screenshots.
"Right now we're working on our dynamic compass that will show you how close you are to dungeons while wandering the forests or where the person is that you need to talk to make a quest progress," Howard said. They've also altered the way players travel in the world. Technically speaking, the world of Oblivion is actually larger than Morrowind, but as Howard himself pointed out, Bethesda doesn't want "hundreds of hours of gameplay" to consist of a few minutes of fun punctuated by hours of boring traveling. Instead, the game will include a revised fast travel map that will hopefully eliminate a great deal of the annoying repetitive travel over long distances. Well as long as they remember to put an option in to turn all that stuff off, nothing wrong with wandering around for hours totally lost. :) |
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Gamespy preview
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 15:12:36 +0000
by Paul |
SioN on the official Elder Scrolls boards spotted that Gamespy will be featuring an Oblivion preview later on this week. Clear evidence that the Game Informer exclusivity deal will be ending very soon (read - screenshots coming our way). |
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