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Improved RSS feed
Sun, 26 Jun 2005 17:36:24 +0000
by Paul |
Hey guys, spent 4 hours last night doing a bit of work on the old RSS feed. Hope you all agree it's a big improvement, now a short preview and author and date of publishing is brought down too. I've also doubled the length of the feed too. Any comments and requests on improvements can either be emailed to me or dropped into the comments. |
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Games.net interview with Todd Howard
Fri, 24 Jun 2005 02:22:34 +0000
by Pantalaimon |
Games.net has posted a brief interview with Executive Producer of Oblivion, Todd Howard. Here's a short excerpt:
Half-Life 2 is a great way to view it, and that game really set the "use physics benchmark.... We're obviously using Havok, as they did, and we've done some other cool things with it, like arrows sticking in objects and reorienting the weight of things they stick in. I think the big thing we're learning with the physics is that with an RPG, there is soooo much you can do with it, like traps, stealing things, and more. Things like Telekinesis spells, picking up stuff far away and trying to manipulate the environment to throw off the NPCs and such. Paralyzing guys and watching them fall down stairs never gets old.
You can read the interview here. |
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Telefragged has new Interview With Todd Howard
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 10:55:21 +0000
by BadCRC |
Finger: Many games nowadays are including advanced shadows and lighting, even in outdoor environments. We've already heard about how forest canopies will cast shadows on the player, but will things like buildings have their own shadows? If so, will these shadows slowly creep as the day goes on and the position of the sun in the sky changes?
Todd Howard: That's something we're still messing with. We have different shadow systems for different sets of objects, and mostly it's us choosing the best game speed vs visual fidelity. So trees use one system, objects you pick up another, and characters another. --- For full interview head here! |
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New Todd Howard Q&A
Thu, 09 Jun 2005 08:43:01 +0000
by BadCRC |
Game Chronicles has a nice new interview with Todd Howard:
GCM: Oblivion is scheduled to be released for the Xbox 360 and high end PC’s. Will it be a launch title for the 360? What sort or system requirements will be needed in order to run Oblivion from a PC?
Todd Howard: We’re shooting for the holidays, but can’t give you an exact date yet. As far as system specs for the PC… you know us! If you want the full-on graphics, expect to buy the best thing you can when the game comes out. We plan on having it run on as many systems as possible, but it’s too early to say how far we can drop the spec right now. We do have that as a goal – having it run on a wider variety of systems than Morrowind did. You can read the full thing right --> here! |
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Oblivion Rakes in the Hardware.
Mon, 06 Jun 2005 00:35:49 +0000
by Simo66 |
Oblivion continues to rake in the E3 awards, garnering Best RPG, from GameSpot, RPG of the Show from GameSpot and numerous other awards. You can check out all the awards HERE. |
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Shacknews's Oblivion E3 impressions
Thu, 02 Jun 2005 14:18:03 +0000
by Wester |
Shacknews have finally posted up their impressions of the TES4: Oblivion demo displayed at this years E3, here's a bit from it:
"The presentation had us wading through a lush forest. Since these are huge, dense forests that can make even the most experienced explorer feel lost, a scrolling compass will be set at the bottom of the screen which directs the player to points of interest. Use it to move about and encounter new things. As we moved through the forest, a deer frolicked past. If you so chose, you could kill the deer for its meat. Eat it to regain health or mix it with other items, such as wild mushrooms, for specific potions. There will be a huge amount of different combos that can mixed that do different things." |
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New Xbox Evolved Gavin Carter Interview
Wed, 01 Jun 2005 22:54:13 +0000
by Wester |
The folks over at Xbox Evolved had the chance to sit down and conduct a [2-page] interview with Gavin Carter (Producer) of Bethesda Softworks about TES4: Oblivion, of course, which has been posted on their website. Here's a sample from it:
"XE: At this point, what percentage of the game would you say is done?
Gavin:Obviously we're pretty far along since we're planning to be done in time for a "holiday '05 ship." Much of the world has already been build, quests are in, etc. We have to finish putting the rest of it in and then spend the remaining time testing, tweaking, and tuning until it's finished. I could make up some percentage, but it wouldn't really mean anything." Don't forget to head on over and check out the full interview. |
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Oblivion to receive E3 awards
Mon, 30 May 2005 17:05:35 +0000
by Pantalaimon |
It looks like Bethesda managed to fully impress almost everybody at E3 - and it's getting recognition for it. Both IGN has recognized Oblivion as "Best PC Game in Show 2005" and awarded it the same title. GameSpot had chosen it as "Best in Show" RPG.
You can find the coverage for the awards at the respective websites linked above. We'll keep you informed as more developments occur. |
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New Xbox.com Oblivion E3 hands-on impressions and Gavin Carter interview
Thu, 26 May 2005 23:29:44 +0000
by Wester |
The official Xbox website itself has stirred up and published online their own hands on-impressions preview of the TES4: Oblivion E3 tech-demo. Here's a excerpt:
"The only exit out of the castle is, conveniently enough, found in your cell ('All of our games seem to start in prison, I'm not sure why,' Howard joked), so the guards order you to stand back, and you can follow them out of the prison. You get the opportunity to chat with the Emperor, voiced by Patrick Stewart, and learn that his sons have already been killed. He doesn't seem to think you're such a bad sort, which only adds to the mystery of why you're imprisoned—and why these guards don't seem to mind letting you out." And on that same page, if you'd scroll down, you'll happen to find that Xbox.com had an interview with Gavin Carter, producer of Bethesda Softworks regarding TES4: Oblivion, of course. And here's a snippet from that:
Xbox.com: "In Morrowind, we saw the homeland of the Dark Elves. Is Cyrodiil (the setting of Oblivion) considered the humans' home territory?"
Carter: It is, basically. "It's a lot more courtly type intrigue. Each town has its own 'count,' and with the Emperor gone, there's a whole lot of warring politics—what's going to happen to the land, what's going to happen to the throne, what to do about the invasion." Although the preview/interview itself doesn't deliver anything new for a fresh read, it's still worth checking out. |
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Oblivion gets the RPG game of E3 award
Thu, 26 May 2005 16:39:09 +0000
by BadCRC |
GameSpy does The Annual E3 Awards and this year they name Oblivion the best RPG game of E3. (It's nearly like they have a choice not to...)
GameSpy: At every E3, there are always a couple of games that have people walking out of the demo slack-jawed and incredulous, suddenly aware that they're seen the next generation of gaming. This year that expression could be seen on the face of every person lucky enough to get a demonstration of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion... here is the link GameSpy. |
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