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Games Domain preview!
Wed, 25 May 2005 19:19:05 +0000
by BadCRC |
For gamers who don't enjoy them, it's easy to shrug off the popularity of role-playing games. After all, who wants to talk to peasants when there's Halo? more. ---------------- After I will get my retail copy of Oblivion, I'll probably open it with my teeth chewing the manual in my mouth to better feel the content.. I'll be doing this while installing the game. Mmm can't wait! |
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New Rpgfan Oblivion preview!
Mon, 23 May 2005 10:44:32 +0000
by BadCRC |
The first impression one receives from the game is awe at the amazingly detailed graphics. The dungeon cobblestones use every texture imaginable to make them look real, and it doesn’t stop there. Forests are all nearly photorealistic, animal fur is textured in great detail. And with 16 square miles of terrain in Tamriel, half of which is forest, the level of realism is most welcome... READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE. |
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Sun, 22 May 2005 20:47:50 +0000
by BadCRC |
Jolt -> While this year’s E3 has given us a very early first look at many of the upcoming nex-gen titles, few have been as far developed – or, frankly, as impressive – as that of Oblivion, the fourth game in the Elder Scrolls series and Bethesda’s follow-up to Morrowind.more.. ------ Gamezone -> Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind was a phenomenal game that put gamers in an extremely open ended world where they could do anything that they practically wanted and play the game however they saw fit. Now, the next entry to the Elder Scrolls series, Oblivion is shaping up for release, and the game looks to be every bit as impressive as Morrowind was.more.. |
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New Boomtown Oblivion Preview!
Sat, 21 May 2005 23:21:50 +0000
by BadCRC |
If you ask us, the prettiest game at E3 2005 was neither Killzone for the PS3 or Gears of War for the X360. It was Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, Bethesda’s next mammoth RPG. People in this business rarely applaud heartily after a game demo at E3. But it happened after we saw Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion in action at Bethesda’s heavily guarded mini theatre. Oblivion is quite simply the most gorgeous and impressive game, yours truly encountered at this year’s expo. ----- Everyone seems to be overwhelmed with E3 demo so far.. Man I have highest hopes EVAR! Anyway for full preview head here. |
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GameSpy takes a look into Oblivion
Fri, 20 May 2005 11:21:50 +0000
by Pantalaimon |
GameSpy has their own Oblivion coverage to share, this time presenting us a 3-page preview of the game, based on their viewing of Bethesda's tech demo at E3. They also have a 2-page impressions article written by various staff members and what they personally took away from the experience. Here's a short portion of their preview:
The promise of computer RPGs has always been that they offer gamers a vast new world to get lost in. Unfortunately, the reality of both PC and console limitations has instead offered gamers the merest taste of an alternate universe. Stray too far off the pre-set path or storyline and you quickly run into artificial walls. The past few years have brought the promise of a true virtual world closer than ever, but even the best of these virtual worlds, whether they be single player RPGs, MMOs, or even Bethesda's own previous efforts, have never quite given that "you are there" feeling. Head on over to read the the entire preview and their staff impressions. |
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Video interview with producer Gavin Carter
Fri, 20 May 2005 07:49:49 +0000
by Pantalaimon |
TeamXBox.com has brought to the E3 festivities an exclusive video interview with developer and producer Gavin Carter. Among other things, he shares a little bit of his take on the game as a whole so far, and share some previously unknown features (buyable houses, the length of the main quest, etc..) Check it out! |
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Ingame Oblivion footage released
Fri, 20 May 2005 04:19:16 +0000
by Pantalaimon |
IGN.com has been keeping a close eye on Oblivion at E3 this year, and they have recently posted video footage of the game in action. While the video is silent, it's a gem well worth checking out; it features longer shots of scenes already seen in the newly released trailer as well as quite a few never before seen footage. Click here to watch it.
Also, as an additonal twist, their video footage was originally placed in the gamespace for Oblivion for the PS3, after which it was moved to the X-Box 360 gamespace for it. The PS3 space is still tthere, however; does this mean Oblivion will be coming to both major next generation consoles? We may yet find out before E3 is said and done with. |
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Actiontrip posts Oblivion E3 impressions
Thu, 19 May 2005 16:58:04 +0000
by BadCRC |
You know, all the talk about Bethesda's new Elder Scrolls game, and I still wasn't convinced that it was the real deal. After all, screenshots can go only so far as far as jaded gamers are concerned. So how about this then: I got to see an interactive demo of the game, as Bethesda's Todd Howard was actually playing a couple of levels and explaining them to us. And, oh boy. ... click here for more: Actiontrip |
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New interview with Todd Howard
Thu, 19 May 2005 11:01:37 +0000
by Pantalaimon |
Xbox.com recently spoke with developer Todd Howard, who helped to shed some more light on the game. Among other things, he mentions the possibility of mods on the 360 version of the game, and much more. Here's an excerpt:
As far as character models, it's limitless. Our facial system is procedural, so you can create any kind of face you can imagine. It's like molding clay. You can age the face. You can also separately choose your hair style, length, and color. So you get a very wide range of character faces. Every single NPC has a unique face, too. You can read the interview in its entirety right here. |
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Oblivion E3 impressions
Thu, 19 May 2005 05:26:03 +0000
by Pantalaimon |
The folks over at GameSpot have been diligently covering all things E3 this week, and have recently posted their impressions of the Oblivion tech demo shown at E3. Here's an excerpt:
...Bethesda has thrown out all the old content and technology it had previously used, and has started from scratch with an all-new next-generation engine that takes advantage of advanced lighting and shader routines like high dynamic range lighting and specular mapping to create a highly detailed world. The game has been in development for about three years (production began right around the time that the team was finishing up Morrowind) and it looks extremely impressive so far. You can head on over to the article to catch the rest. |
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