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New DailyGame Oblivion interview with Pete Hines
Tue, 29 Nov 2005 21:16:11 +0000
by Khajiit |
DailyGame has had the chance to have an interview with Pete Hines, Vice President of PR and Marketing on Bethesda Softworks. In the interview they talk about Oblivion in general, for example the stealth system and the fast-travel option.
Here's a rather large excerpt from it:
DailyGame: Is the “fast track� transportation system your solution to making Oblivion more approachable for ADHD gamers, or did you conceive of it more to help gamers simply traverse the larger area more quickly?
Pete Hines: It was one of those areas we looked at and asked ourselves why it worked the way it did previously. Why make someone start dialog with an NPC in order to be able to fast travel from one spot to another? Why only those locations? What’s the point of not letting them quickly go back to someplace they’ve at least been once, and probably more like a hundred times? We try to look at making decisions that make a game more fun without forcing the player to make our choice. If you don’t want to fast travel, don’t. Nobody’s forcing you to. But it’s one of those things you don’t really think is a big deal until you play the game with it in, and then you can’t imagine playing without it. I use it all the time to hop around between parts of the Imperial City, just to save time traveling and spend more time doing fun stuff. |
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Oblivion Zero Hour preview and two new videos!
Tue, 22 Nov 2005 11:57:14 +0000
by Khajiit |
IGN had the privilege to visit the Xbox 360: Zero Hour Launch Event and there they got a good look at Oblivion. IGN has now posted a new preview containing their impressions of the game!
Here's a small sample of the preview:
"After Pete showed off the parts of the demo we'd seen at X05 and again at an event in San Francisco, he moved into some new territory. The first was a city that we've seen a few screens of before but never anything in motion. As one of Oblivion's nine major cities, this one seemed huge. As we walked through there was evidence of a great attention to detail including towering rock walls, quaint cobblestone houses, gardens of small trees with bright red leaves, and a gigantic stone chapel."
IGN also has two new Oblivion videos available for download, one of them featuring a huge city and the other one featuring a cozy dungeon!
Here's direct download links to the videos:
X360 Launch Demo: In Town
X360 Launch Demo: Dungeon
(Right click and "save target as") |
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New Bit-Tech Oblivion interview with Gavin Carter
Wed, 09 Nov 2005 15:43:39 +0000
by Khajiit |
Bit-Tech has conducted a brand new 3-page interview with Gavin Carter, executive producer at Bethesda Softworks. This is an interview largely focusing on hardware and the technology powering Oblivion.
Here's a rather large sample of it:
"BT: On a further Xbox to PC issue, there has been much talk of ATI's Unified Shader Architecture in the Xbox 360. However, this technology is not available on PCs currently, and will likely not be until at least the release of Windows Vista at the end of 2006. So will this be a benefit to Xbox users that they have it, or will there be no visible difference in speed for PC users? Will the PC version require being patched to make use of this if and when the technology shifts?
GC: The unified shader architecture definitely does help with the speed of shader processing. Plus, it's completely transparent to developers as the optimization all occurs behind the scenes on the hardware side of things. However, we've optimized our shaders so that the overall difference between Oblivion running on the Xbox 360, and Oblivion running on a fast PC with a Shader Model 3.0 card should be slight. We're locking the framerate at 30fps on the 360 so you probably won't see framerate improvements vs. the PC, but you might see a more stable framerate."
"BT: Speaking of physics, the forests look amazing. And it has been rumored that the trees even sway with wind, which got me thinking. Wind is something that is very difficult...it's hard to think of all the subtle interactions it creates. If there's wind that is swaying trees, etc, will there be leaves blowing free? Will it blow your cape, if your character wears one, or their hair? Or change an arrow's course of flight, since you spent so much time in the effort of making ranged fighting more realistic?
GC: The forests and grass do animate differently in response to changing weather conditions. There are also ambient effects to increase your sense of immersion like leaves falling from trees, butterflies flying around, and birds chattering in the trees above you. No cloth physics unfortunately. We found they are a huge sink for processing time and we'd rather spend it in places that really make a difference to the gameplay like AI. Arrows will shoot through the air using physics; arcing based on force and gravity. Wind won't blow them off course however. I think that would really decrease the fun of archery, and you'd start wanting to clutter the UI with things like wind indicators." |
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Xbox Gamers Oblivion interview
Tue, 08 Nov 2005 22:25:03 +0000
by Khajiit |
Xbox Gamers has whipped a new Oblivion interview regarding NPCs, magic system, stealth, and etc on their website, here's a part of it:
"XG: What types of enemies should we expect to see and how many classes?
You’ll see the full range of things. Undead like zombies and skeletons, classic fantasy creatures like goblins and trolls, different types of Daedra (demons), and so on. There are probably 40 to 50 different creatures, and lots of variations within each creature."
XG: How does stealth work in Oblivion? Has the 360 brought anything new to this aspect?
There’s nothing really specific to the Xbox 360 that has enhanced stealth gameplay. We spent a lot of time walking on it in general in terms of creating systems that allow the player to play as a thief-type character without getting out of character. So you don’t have to resort to magic or big weapons if you don’t want to. We do a lot more things with light and shadow and detection while you’re in stealth mode- how quiet you can be when in certain types of armor, or based on how fast you’re moving. At higher skill levels of Sneak you get bonuses, like successful attacks while you’re sneaking, things like that. I’ve been doing some of that stuff lately with my character, having just joined the thieves’ guild. It’s fun stuff.
This might not be something new for the hardcore Oblivion fans, but there's plenty of interesting information for those who just discovered Oblivon and want to get a good insight of the game. |
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Radio interview with Gavin Carter and new concept art
Tue, 08 Nov 2005 18:31:20 +0000
by Khajiit |
Gamers With Jobs has had the chance to do an radio interview Gavin Carter, producer at Bethesda Softworks. You can find the interview on Gamers With Jobs website or you can download it right here! (Right click and "save target as")
The interview with Gavin Carter is about 15 minutes long but the whole radio clip is 60 minutes. The filesize is 13mb and it's mp3 encoded.
Bethesda has also filled up their concept art section with a total of twelve new pictures. You can find them right here! |
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Oblivion Release Date Pushed Back
Tue, 01 Nov 2005 17:29:13 +0000
by Pantalaimon |
IGN is reporting that Take-Two has indirectly given word that Oblivion has been moved to a second quarter 2006 release instead of the anticipated Xbox 360 launch date. You can view the article over at IGN to get the details on this latest news.
We'll continue to cover the issue as new information presents itself. |
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The 20 minute E3 trailer officially released
Fri, 28 Oct 2005 18:28:44 +0000
by Khajiit |
The 20 minute long Oblivion trailer that was shown behind closed doors at E3 is now available for download at the official Elder Scrolls site. I suggest that you head on over there and download it now!
You are also welcome to discuss your impressions of the E3 trailer on our Oblivion forums! |
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GameRadar's Oblivion preview
Thu, 27 Oct 2005 15:31:51 +0000
by Wester |
GamesRadar have busted up their preview of TES4: Oblivion, here's a quick quote:
"The Dark Brotherhood, however, only offers invitations to those people who have killed an innocent; once you've committed such a murder, you'll be invited to a Brotherhood domicile, a place patrolled by undead guards and draped with paintings of the Nightmother, the matriarch who slays all of her children in the night." For the rest of the goodies, the complete preview is only a click of a mouse away, of course, so be sure to check it out. |
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Oblivion soundtrack announced
Fri, 21 Oct 2005 19:10:04 +0000
by Pantalaimon |
Bethesda has just announced that the music in Oblivion will be scored by none other than Jeremy Soule, a well known game music composer. Jeremy has also written music for Morrowind, so we can expect a similar excellence in his work to be featured in Oblivion.
You can view the full press report or listen to the Oblivion Title piece. Enjoy! |
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